Making an advance decision – a family’s perspective

Thank you for coming to the advanced decision making page. This page has two main elements. The first is Shirley’s story which is a personal insight into the journey of Shirley as she progresses through her life, the diagnosis of dementia and the choices she made terms of her own death, specifically around intervention and resuscitation.  The story is narrated by a family member and as well as offering an opportunity to engage with and respond to our own understanding and beliefs about death and people’s choices in terms of dying it is a celebration of Shirley’s life.

The second is the making and implementing advanced decisions toolkit which you are recommened to work through.

Shirley’s story

We are very grateful to Shirley and her family for sharing this story. Please treat the material with confidentiality, dignity and respect.

Please begin by listening to the story and engaging with the associated exercises and reflective questions.


Now that you have listened to Shirley’s story and engaged with the materials please do work through the Advanced decision making toolkit by clicking on the link below.

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